OCHA Sudan - Who does What Where - Presence Dashboard

11  Sectors

Active In 2015

112 Organisations

Appealing for HRP In 2015

349 Projects

Planned In 2015

5,540 Aid Workers

In 59 UN/IO/INGOs Across Darfur
3W Overview

The main purpose of this 3W dashboard is to highlight the operational presence of humanitarian partners in Sudan by sector and geographic coverage. The 3Ws dashboard helps organizations identify potential partners, possible presence overlaps, or gaps, and visually provides a general understanding of areas of intervention.
The map below combines the humanitarian needs and partners’ presence with a focus on geographic areas. It also aims to provide a general overview and understanding of the presence and scope of different needs.

People In Need and Targeted
Presence vs Humanitarian Needs Map

Information on ranking of localities is based on needs analysis as a part of the Sudan Humanitarian Need Overview 2015 (HNO) and presence of partners per state. Hover on map to see more data.